Extent 289 student accommodations
Client Camelot Real Estate
Consultancy firm Atelier Bouwkunde, Huygen Installatie Adviseurs Utrecht
Contractor Nederlandse Bouw Unie B.V.
Installer Brabant Installatie Techniek
Date of completion 2017
Camelot Campus Delft
An empty office building right beside the Delft University of Technology, formerly used by TNO, was converted into a student complex by the Nederlandse Bouw Unie. The client of this project is real-estate developer Camelot Real Estate. In the complex, which has a surface area of 9500 m2, 289 studios with living space for one or two students per studio have been realised. Apart from these studios, the Campus in Delft also features communal rooms for relaxation.
Our solution
Because the building does not have any shafts, applying a central ventilation system is very difficult. Partly for this reason, the ClimaRad Comfort Solution was selected as the ventilation system for the accommodations, with a ClimaRad 2.0 ventilation unit in every living room and a ClimaRad B-Fan in the bathroom for extraction. This B-Fan was mounted on the ceiling so that operation via the ClimaRad ventilation unit functions well. The advantage for the builder and the installer primarily derives from the ease with which ClimaRad can be applied, as long ventilation channels are unnecessary.
Thanks to the application of the decentralised HRV units by ClimaRad and the ClimaRad fans, students inhabiting the studios can work in well-ventilated rooms without draughts. On top of that, the applied HRV results in lower energy bills.